Sunday, May 2, 2010

Roots and Fruits

This week in bible study we each brought an article from our closet that didn’t belong. Most of us did not really know why these items had come to find residence in our closets except for the fact that we just didn’t know what else to do with them.

The same is true in life. There are parts of us we just dont know how they got there or what to do with them.

Why do I react like I do sometimes? Why do I get so worked up? Why do I get so upset? Why do my feelings get hurt so easily? Why am I so angry? Why am I so sensitive? Why am I insecure? Why am I discontent?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

We probably all have at one time or another. Because we all have unwanted “fruit” on our trees.

Author, Jennifer Rothschild pointed out that the best way to understand the unseen part of a tree is to study the seen part. “Fruit reveals the nature, the life, and the root of a tree.” (Me, myself, and Lies, page 49)

Certainly good fruit is a product of a life surrendered to Jesus Christ as Savior of our souls. But, as we all know, in the battle against self, unwanted fruit can become manifest as we fight to surrender to Him as Lord of our every day lives as well.

Pettiness, insecurity, rivalry, anger, hatred, revenge, lies, depression, discontent, perfectionism, doubt, quarreling, paranoia, identity crisis, fear, name some of the fruit that can weed its way into our daily life and relationships

We question... Why is this there? We dont like it! We dont want it! Why wont it go away? These fruits yield us nothing but TROUBLE! We ask and pray for them to no longer abide on our tree, but they linger like a sour apple.

Prayer is definitely the place to start. Recognizing and confessing is the first step, But if unwanted fruit is ever-present in your life, then a second question may be warranted...

What are you feeding your tree?

A tree can’t grow without proper food to nourish its roots. I found that my tree with unwanted fruit was often rooted in pride and nourished in the soils of unbelief.

Pride is no more than an unhealthy preoccupation with self --- be that self-exultation or self-condemnation --- both turn our thoughts away from God and on to us. If we really believed God was who he says he is and can do what he says he can do, how could we possibly be so preoccupied with ourselves (be those thoughts of high or low opinion).

Unbelief says that God is not able to change us, use us, mold us. That our circumstances are too big for Him OR that we are capable without God’s help.

Unbelief in God is food for the soils of self-worship.

The Bible is miracle grow for faith in the soul.

What are you feeding your tree?

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Rom 10:17, NIV.

God’s word penetrates the soils of our heart and aims right at the root of our fruit. Faith is that root from which all good fruit grows because its energy is focused not on our life but upon the One who gives life. The One who molds our hearts and changes our minds. The One who is bigger than any position we could ever face.

Keep feeding your tree the same old things, you will produce the same old fruit. BUT, give God the opportunity...

HE will feed your tree.

His fruit is much sweeter...

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Gal 5:22, NIV.

See you in 2 weeks as we will not meet on Mother’s day. We will be discussing the homework and watching the video for week 3. Remember to bring one item from your closet that most identifies you.

See you soon,


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