Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Information and Fun Stuff!!!

What a blessing it was to have all 35 of you at Mugs and Muffins last night! Yes, 35 women were there! We had a great time! If you missed the event, we hope you will plan on joining us soon! Here are a few things we discussed:

1. We will begin the book study "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Books will cost $10.00 and you will need to pay Sarah Creamer as soon as possible. Books should be in during the early part of next week. We are looking at 2 different times for book study. We know that one book study will be Sunday nights starting at 5:00. The other book study will be another day of the week and once they get their time and place, I will let you know as soon as possible.

2. Prayer Groups- our prayer group leaders are Sarah Kluthe, Tonya Stanley, Carolyn Pierce and Jeri Dennis. Prayer groups will meet at the time that best suits everyone in their group. If you would like to join a prayer group, you may pick the group you want. I will get each leader's time and day of the week that they will be having their prayer time. Pick what is best for you and we will get our prayer groups started. PLEASE REMEMBER, WHAT YOU SAY IN PRAYER GROUP IS CONFIDENTIAL! IT IS TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY!! YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR NOT LETTING INFORMATION SHARED IN YOUR PRAYER GROUP GET OUT TO THE PUBLIC!!!

3. Our next get together will be Saturday, November 21st to go to Russellville to the movies! We will get times and information the sooner it is to that event!

Here are a few pictures from Mugs and Muffins! Thank you all for making our 1st Women's Ministry event a SUPER SUCCESS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mugs and Muffins was fun and yummy! With decorations from my favorite season to boot. Thank you, Sarah, for all your hard work and good ideas. And, thanks to all for prayers on behalf of my Papaw and family at this time. They are greatly appreciated! Love, Tonya
